Fear driven German citizens alias „Besorgte Buerger“ (eng. concerned citizen) – their biggest concern: “ REFUGEES“ Our biggest challenge: To stop the spread of fear and prevent tearing down what ANGEHOERT- a refugee help organization- worked hard for: Giving people who had no other choice than fleeing – an actual chance to a secure life in Germany.
Allowing the citizens to experience the trauma of fleeing from home.
A 360* documentation of the journey of a refugee should provide the real point of view.
After the first stage people need a secret weapon to fight against the „concerned citizen“ and create a community feeling. A personalized homepage name and shame the violation of human rights so that the „concerned citizens“ now have to fear an undebatable conviction. The shareable personalized homepage „“ (engl. was established to help people stand up and show in social media that they are not alone. The tool provided a weapon to fight – to unite and to spread the word about ANGEHOERT.
Team member: Ricardo Hoedebeck, Michael Lintl